Development of generic drugs is of major importance to helping promote affordability of medicines, bringing treatments and health benefits to broader patient population. Bioavailability/bioequivalence (BA/BE) data is a common requirement for registration of generic drugs in most countries/places or procurement of generic drugs by major hospitals and healthcare institutions.
The HKU Phase 1 Clinical Trials Centre is a 24-bed clinical research facility well-equipped to conduct BA/BE trials – whether on small molecule drugs or biosimilars – as well as phase 1 and early phase trials. HKU-CTC’s professional clinical trial management team is capable of supporting generic drug manufacturers in planning, initiating and completing their BA/BE trials fulfilling the requirements for regulatory registration or procurement by hospitals and healthcare institutions.
主要服務能力 |
由臨床藥理學、腫瘤學及其他主要治療範疇的相關臨床專家組成的專責醫療團隊 |
由專業研究協調員、註冊護士、藥劑師、配藥員及實驗室專家組成的專責臨床營運團隊 |
由具有業務及項目專業知識的專家協調進行快速及詳盡的可行性評估 |
由具有醫療/臨床科學、倫理/監管規定、臨床運作、研究預算、數據管理、醫學統計及醫學文獻撰寫知識的專業試驗方案制定團隊協助制定方案或為方案制定提供諮詢服務 |
全面的項目管理能力,以快速開展研究及精簡研究運作 |
由倫理及法規事務專家全力支援倫理及法規申請 |
由財務預算及合同專家促進有效的財務預算建立及合同流程(已經與全球超過170名申辦者建立臨床試驗綜合協議或臨床試驗協議模板) |
由專業數據經理及醫學統計師提供強大的數據管理及統計支援 |
由已獲美國病理學家學會(CAP)認證的瑪麗醫院臨床實驗室提供全面支援 |
由港大藥代動力學實驗室提供藥代動力學分析 |
可與健康志願者及多個疾病範疇的患者接觸 |
主要服务能力 |
由临床药理学、肿瘤学及其他主要治疗范畴的相关临床专家组成的专责医疗团队 |
由专业研究协调员、注册护士、药剂师、配药员及实验室专家组成的专责临床营运团队 |
由具有业务及项目专业知识的专家协调进行快速及详尽的可行性评估 |
由具有医疗/临床科学、伦理/监管规定、临床运作、研究预算、数据管理、医学统计及医学文献撰写知识的专业试验方案制定团队协助制定方案或为方案制定提供咨询服务 |
全面的项目管理能力,以快速开展研究及精简研究运作 |
由伦理及法规事务专家全力支援伦理及法规申请 |
由财务预算及合同专家促进有效的财务预算建立及合同流程(已经与全球超过170名申办者建立临床试验综合协议或临床试验协议模板) |
由专业数据经理及医学统计师提供强大的数据管理及统计支援 |
由已获美国病理学家学会(CAP)认证的玛丽医院临床实验室提供全面支援 |
由港大药代动力学实验室提供药代动力学分析 |
可与健康志愿者及多个疾病范畴的患者接触 |
Key Service Capabilities |
Dedicated medical team with clinical experts in clinical pharmacology, oncology and other key therapeutic areas |
Dedicated clinical operations team composed of professional study coordinators, registered nurses, pharmacists, dispensers and laboratory specialists |
Rapid and detailed feasibility assessment coordinated by specialists in business and project intelligence |
Protocol development or consultation on protocol development by a professional protocol development team comprising experts in medical/clinical sciences, ethics/regulatory requirements, clinical operations, study budgeting, data management, medical statistics and medical writing |
Comprehensive project management capabilities supporting quick study start-up and streamlined study operations |
Full support on ethics and regulatory submissions by ethics and regulatory specialists |
Efficient budgeting and contracting process facilitated by budgeting and contract specialists (with master clinical trial agreements (Master CTAs) or CTA templates established with over 170 sponsors worldwide) |
Strong data management and statistical support by professional data managers and medical statisticians |
Full support by the CAP-accredited clinical laboratory in QMH |
Pharmacokinetic analysis support by the HKU Pharmacokinetics Laboratory |
Access to healthy volunteers and patients in a wide range of disease areas |
安全及質量管理 |
當值員工以現場安全監察系統及監控鏡頭系統進行持續的安全監察 |
由合資格臨床人員利用現場的專用搶救室、設備及物資支援現場的緊急醫療服務 |
由瑪麗醫院的中央搶救隊及深切治療部(ICU)提供24小時緊急醫療服務 |
根據全面質量管理(TQM)原則建立穩健的質量保證(QA)系統 |
就每項研究進行密集的內部質量控制(QC) |
透過港大臨床試驗中心的ArchiveEasy服務長期儲存研究文件在專業文件儲存設施內 |
安全及质量管理 |
当值员工以现场安全监察系统及监控镜头系统进行持续的安全监察 |
由合资格临床人员利用现场的专用抢救室、设备及物资支援现场的紧急医疗服务 |
由玛丽医院的中央抢救队及深切治疗部(ICU)提供24小时紧急医疗服务 |
根据全面质量管理(TQM)原则建立稳健的质量保证(QA)系统 |
就每项研究进行密集的内部质量控制(QC) |
透过港大临床试验中心的ArchiveEasy服务长期储存研究文件在专业文件储存设施内 |
Safety and Quality Management |
Ongoing safety monitoring by staff-on-duty, supported by on-site safety monitoring system and surveillance camera system |
On-site medical emergency support by qualified clinical staff, using on-site dedicated resuscitation room, equipment and materials |
24-hour medical emergency support by QMH’s central resuscitation team and intensive care unit (ICU) |
Robust quality assurance (QA) system established based on the principles of total quality management (TQM) |
Intensive internal quality control (QC) for each study |
Long-term archiving of study records in professional document storage facilities through HKU-CTC’s ArchiveEasy service |
主要研究能力 |
小分子藥物的BA/BE試驗 |
生物仿製藥的試驗 |
主要研究能力 |
小分子药物的BA/BE试验 |
生物仿制药的试验 |
Key Study Capabilities |
BA/BE trials on small molecule drugs |
Biosimilars trials |