In respond to the extensive release of new policies, regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical research conduct and management, and pharmaceutical products registration by the regulatory authorities of China in recent years, Guizhou Pharmaceutical Association jointly organized the ‘Clinical Research Forum on Coping Strategies to the New Trend in China’ (新形势下我国临床试验应对策略高峰论坛) with The Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University Clinical Trials Centre on 7-8 September 2017 in Guiyang. The two-day seminar focused on topics about interpretation of clinical research regulations and policies, ethical considerations and quality management of clinical research as well as clinical research data integrity. HKU-CTC’s Associate Director gave a presentation on ‘Clinical Research Management on Novel Drugs’, attended by over 250 participants from various hospitals and institutions in Guizhou province.
Clinical Research Forum on Coping Strategies to the New Trend in China (新形势下我国临床试验应对策略高峰论坛)